Abolition Feminisms Vol. 2


Feminist Ruptures Against the Carceral State

A collection of radical reconsiderations and creative critiques that aims to expose, disrupt, and uproot carcerality.

Edited by Alisa Bierria, Jakeya Caruthers, and Brooke Lober

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In this expansive companion to Abolition Feminisms Vol. I, contributors confront multiple paradigms of punitivity—the foundational logics of family, borders, heterosexuality, colonial violence, and more—to disengage us
from root systems of carcerality. The book transcends various modes and forms: through grassroots praxis, critical research, storytelling, diagrams, poetry, and visual art, these pieces build on the legacies of feminist thinkers who formulated abolitionist critiques of policing, surveillance, and control. The resulting framework provides readers with the resources to cultivate and inhabit a post-carceral world of radical freedom and possibility.

ALISA BIERRIA is a Black feminist philosopher, a cofounder of Survived & Punished, and an assistant professor in the Department of Gender Studies at UCLA. Her writing can be found in numerous scholarly journals and public anthologies, including her coedited volume, Community Accountability: Emerging Movements to Transform Violence, a special issue of Social Justice.

JAKEYA CARUTHERS is assistant professor of English and Africana studies at Drexel University and a principal investigator of an inside-outside research initiative with Survived & Punished California. Her research attends to Black political aesthetics within 20th- and 21st-century cultural production as well as race, gender, sexuality, and state discipline.

BROOKE LOBER is a teacher, writer, activist, and social movement scholar who is currently researching legacies of antiracist and anti-Zionist feminisms in the Bay Area, and teaching courses in the Gender and Women’s Studies Department at UC Berkeley. Brooke is the coeditor of a special issue of Sinister Wisdom, “Out of Control: Lesbian Committee to Support Women Political Prisoners.”

978-1-64259-845-2  • 270 pages


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